Parish School of Religion
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The Parish School of Religion at St. Patrick Catholic Church is alive and well! As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "Parents are the first in line for handing on the faith." However the catechists at St. Patrick feel a great calling to assist parents and families in this ministry.
Our classes meet each Sunday Morning during the months of September through April, from 11:15am-12:15pm under the direction of Mrs. Tara Blanchard. We serve the children of our parish in Grades K-12 and we are very proud of our facilities in the Father Raymond J. Murrin Family Life Center.
Our children are taught through a series of textbooks approved by the Diocese of Birmingham. We have added a program for our Confirmation preparation class from Ascension Press entitled, "Theology of the Body for Teens" which was approved by Bishop Baker for all those teens preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. This course is specifically designed for 6th through 8th-grade students to go beyond traditional chastity programs by assisting students with answers and tools needed to successfully and safely navigate through life.
All children of the parish in Grades K-12 are welcome to attend our classes and we especially encourage all parents and families to register their children who attend public schools.
For more information, contact Tara Blanchard at the church or via email.
Parish School of Religion News

It's Time for Vacation Bible School! Location: St. Patrick Catholic Church Date and Time: July 22-26 from 6:00pm-8:00pm Dinner is at 5:30pm so please come and eat. Preschool – Grade 5 This year at VBS, your child is invited to Come to the Table! Your child will learn that everyone is welcome at God’s table and hear how Jesus spent a lot of time eating and talking with unexpected people. When you eat with Jesus, anything can happen! The five Bible stories for the week show Jesus eating with unexpected people, providing food for a crowd, demonstrating humility, and extending welcome and forgiveness. Through worship and drama, Bible study, art and science projects, and active games, children are welcomed to taste and share at God’s table, where there is always enough! Come to the Table invites children to see that God loves and welcomes all people and challenges them to share that same love and hospitality in their everyday lives. Your child will make new friends, sing fun songs, watch dramatic presentations of the Bible stories, play active games, do art projects and science explorations, and dig into the Bible. ¡Es hora de la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones (EBV)! Lugar: St. Patrick Católica Iglesia Fecha y Hora: 6:00pm-8:00pm La cena es a las 5:30pm. Así que por favor vengan y coman antes de que comience la EBV Preescolar – Grado 5 Este año, en la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones (EBV), tu hijo está invitado a asistir a ¡Ven a la mesa! Tu hijo aprenderá que todos son bienvenidos a la mesa de Dios y escuchará cómo Jesús pasó mucho tiempo comiendo y hablando con personas inesperadas. Cuando comes con Jesús, ¡cualquier cosa puede pasar! Las cinco historias bíblicas de la semana muestran a Jesús comiendo con personas inesperadas, proporcionando comida a una multitud, demostrando humildad y brindando bienvenida y perdón. A través de adoración y actuación, estudio bíblico, proyectos de arte y ciencia, y juegos activos, los niños son animados a probar y compartir en la mesa de Dios, ¡donde siempre hay suficiente! Ven a la mesa invita a los niños a ver que Dios ama y da la bienvenida a todas las personas y los desafía a compartir ese mismo amor y hospitalidad en sus vidas cotidianas. Tu hijo hará nuevos amigos, cantará canciones divertidas, verá presentaciones dramáticas de las historias bíblicas, jugará juegos activos, realizará proyectos de arte y exploraciones científicas, y profundizará en la Biblia.
Mon Jun 03 01:43 PM

Three beautiful young people received Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time
Sat May 01 06:56 PM

We are gearing up for a great new year and want your child to be a part of our faith journey.
Mon Nov 02 02:22 PM