Adult Faith Enrichment
Faith Formation / Faith Enrichment at St. Patrick consists of multiple areas of study for adults.
- Those who wish to learn more about the Catholic faith may join in the RCIA classes beginning the in Fall of each year. See the RCIA sectionfor more information.
- Even Vacation Bible School has a place for our adults! This is normally held during the month of July each Summer. Watch the calendar for more information and the current date scheduled.
- "Adults for Christ" is a study of Catholic doctrines and traditions, primarily through videos that explore a variety of topics. Discussions and questions are welcomed but not required. An easy and painless way to learn more about our faith.
Whether you meet with us on Wednesday evenings or Sunday mornings, we cordially invite one and all to meet and explore with us together.

Beloved: Sanctify Christ as Lord in your Hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do so with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear.
1 Peter: 3:15-16
Bible Study Guides
- Genesis Part 1 Class Sylabus
- Genesis Part 2 Class Sylabus
- Genesis Part 3 Class Sylabus
- Lesson 01
- Lesson 02
- Lesson 02 supplement
- Lesson 03
- Lesson 03 - Supplement - Angels
- Lesson 04
- Lesson 05
- Lesson 06
- Lesson 06 supplement - Deluge
- Lesson 07
- Lesson 08
- Lesson 09
- Lesson 10
- Lesson 11
- Lesson12
- Lesson13
- Lesson14
- Lesson15
- Lesson17
- Lesson18
- Lesson19
- Lesson 20
- Lesson 21
- Lesson 22