Understanding the Mass
Deacon Robert Long has published a very popular series entitled Understanding the Mass. In this series, he provides insight into each part of the liturgy so that we can better understand this wonderful blessing given to us as Catholics. Deacon Long has given us permission to publish this 24-part series on our website.
Here is an excerpt from the last page of his writings:
My prayer is that this will have brought you closer to Christ and will encourage you to learn even more about your Catholic faith.
Yours in Christ,
Deacon Robert
Access/view/download each section of this wonderful insight into the different parts of the Holy Mass below.
Grateful acknowledgement is given to the following resources during the preparation of this series:

United States Catholic Conference, Inc. – Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Catechism of the Catholic Church Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference, Inc., 1994.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Publishing, 2011.
Brown, Michael H. Secrets of the Eucharist Goleta, CA: Queenship Publishing, 1996.
Dubruiel, Michael The How-To Book of the Mass Huntington, In: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2002.
Trigilio, Rev. John, Jr.; Brighenti, Rev. Kenneth; and Cafone, Rev. Monsignor James, The Catholic Mass, Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc. , 2011
Lang, Rev. Jovian P. Dictionary of the Liturgy New York: Catholic Book Publishing Corp., 1989
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. COMPENDIUM – Catechism of the Catholic Church Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Publishing, 2006
Driscoll, Jeremy. What Happens at Mass, Revised Edition Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications Archdiocese of Chicago, 2005
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. United States Catholic Catechism for Adults Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Publishing, 2006
Parts 17-24
- Part 16 - Presentation-Eucharistic Prayer
- Part 17 - Preparation - Eucharistic Prayer
- Part 18 - Eucharistic Prayer Continued
- Part 19 - Mystery of Faith and Great Amen
- Part 20 - The Lords Prayer and Sign of Peace
- Part 21 - Rite of Communion and Breaking of Bread
- Park 22 - Rite of Communion Continued
- Part 23 - The Closing Rites
- Part 24 - Closing Thoughts and Credits